【投稿系統說明】User Manual for Submission System
投稿期限 / Music Submission Due Date:
- 7 / 7 (四) : 論文及音樂投稿開始(WOCMAT, IRCAM, newsletter, forumnet, emailing)
- 11 / 11 (五) : 論文及音樂投稿結束、提前註冊開始
- 11 / 21 (一) : 入選作品發布
- 11 / 28 (一) : 提前註冊結束
- 12 / 8 (四) : 網路註冊結束
- Thursday July 7 Communication and Open for submission (music and paper)(WOCMAT, IRCAM, newsletter, forumnet, emailing)
- Friday November 11 Close for submission, Open for early registration
- Monday November 21 Result revealed
- Monday November 28 Close for early registration
- Thursday December 8 Close for online registration
投稿費用說明 / Description of payment for submision
- 音樂作品投稿時暫無需繳費。
- 只參加音樂作品競賽而不參加研討會/工作坊者,伺入選後需要繳交 "作品入選註冊費" 890元台幣 (25歐元)
[台灣籍入選者請繳交500元台幣 (或15歐元)]。 - 只有繳交作品入選註冊費,或繳交完整研全程研討會註冊費者,大會才會將作品納入演出。
- Payment for submission is free.
- People who will not attend the conference but pieces are selected should pay the “Works Selected Registration” for 25 Euros / 890 NTD
(for Taiwanese composers, please pay 15 Euros / 500 NTD). - Registration fee (either the “Works Selected Registration”, or the whole IRCAM-WOCMAT Joint Conference Registration) is required for the composers to perform the pieces in the concert.
徵選資格(所有項目)/ Qualifications (all categories):
- 徵集作品將限制於electroacoustic fixed media, 包括電子音樂或多媒體音樂作品
長度限制在 1 分 30 秒內 (90秒) - 此為“2016 WOCMAT International Phil Winsor
Electroacoustic Music Competition”的音樂作品徵集
不限國籍、年齡 - 入選作品將會在 “90(秒) x 40(作品件)” concerts中演出
( 備註 : 只有以註冊作曲家的作品才會在音樂會中演出) - 2016 WOCMAT Phil Winsor 國際青年電聲音樂創作奬
則自動進入Phil Winsor國際電聲青年比賽,前十名將由大會頒發獲獎證書 - 每位投稿者最多可投兩件作品
- 請利用雲端儲存空間上傳作品
- 作品格式
- 音樂 : wav (note: in Windows PCM format)
- 多媒體 : mp4 (note: in H264 CODEC)
Music is limited to electroacoustic fixed media, including acousmatic music
(tape) or multimedia music (with video), and the length should be limited
into 90 seconds.
The music submission is for “2016 WOCMAT International Phil Winsor
Electroacoustic Music Competition”, and there is no nationality and age limit.
The selected pieces will be performed in the “90(sec) x 40(pieces)” concerts. (Note: Only
the registered composers’ pieces will be performed in the concert)
2016 WOCMAT International Phil Winsor Electroacoustic Music Young Composers Awards
Composer under the age of 35 ( born after 1981/10/1 ) will be automatically selected in contest. Top ten will be offered a WOCMAT official certificate of merit.Maximum 2 Pieces for each author.
Please use Cloud Storage Services to upload your piece.
Music: wav (note: in Windows PCM format)
Multimedia: mp4 (note: in H264 CODEC)
投稿方式/ Music Submission
- 將投稿所需資料寄至【主辦方email】
- Please mail all required files of submission to official mail
繳交資料需包含/ Submissions must include:
- PDF格式的報名表(含需要之資訊,以及一個包含作品聲音、影像檔案的網頁連結,或是可直接下載作品檔案的網址)
- A PDF document of Submission Form containing needed information, and a Link to a web-page containing audio files or video files of the work, or direct links to the files.
The Music Submission Form has to be Adobe Acrobat (.pdf).